Unity – Tell Me What is Unity

This chant bubbled up after the 2021 inauguration and we’ve been workshopping it since. Please take it and play with and explore the concept and share back where it takes you.

Here’s is a short treatment with photos from our roadtrip and an invitation to dialogue about vocal improvisation, Skid Row, and cultural humility. Edited by Kat Fulton, Music Therapy Ed.

Here is a chart for the short version – improvise in the space with words, movement, sound: https://drive.google.com/file/d/168u3DCv206pE8Q2772lq2bXTdVl2WwsP/view?usp=sharing

Here is a chart for the long version suitable for teaching and songwriting activities:

Share your explorations with me: singforyourself@gmail.com